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Clean Deep, Breathe Easier

Allergy sufferers beware. According to the American Lung Association, indoor air is two to 100 times more polluted than the air outdoors — a scary thought considering the Association's recent "State of the Air" rankings, stating that over half of Americans breathe unhealthy levels of outdoor air pollution.


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Indoor pollutants, such as secondhand smoke, dust mites, pet dander and molds are a major contributor to allergic and asthmatic reactions. In fact, because we spend so much time in our homes, the American Lung Association estimates that three of five people will suffer from some kind of respiratory difficulty.

The Maids Home Services offers the following cleaning tips to help reduce your family's risk of allergy or asthma symptoms:

  1. Thoroughly clean places where molds flourish, like drain pans under your refrigerator, old flowerpots and shower curtains.

  2. Encase box springs, mattresses and pillows in allergy-proof covers to keep dust — and dust mites — away.

  3. Clean and service air conditioning units to remove pollen and other allergens trapped during prior use.

  4. Always wash bedding in hot water (at least 130° F) to kill dust mites and launder every one to two weeks.

  5. Dust regularly. Wear a mask if you are allergic to dust and replace dusting cloths often to prevent dust transfer from one piece of furniture to the next.

  6. Vacuum thoroughly, catching dust on baseboards, high ledges, upholstery and ceiling fans. Use a high powered, multi-filtered vacuum to collect as many allergen particles as possible.

  7. Restrict your pets' movement to as few rooms as possible, especially with regards to bedrooms. Frequently damp-wipe feeding areas and launder bedding often.

  8. Remove carpeting if possible and replace it with a hard surface floor in bedrooms. Carpets trap and contain huge amounts of allergens.
Clean Deep, Breathe Easier:  Created on February 2nd, 2003.  Last Modified on January 21st, 2014


About The Maids Home Services

The Maids Home Services, founded in 1979, was rated as one of the top 25 fastest growing franchises in Entrepreneur magazine. It is one of the oldest and largest residential cleaning franchisers in the United States and Canada, serving over 650 territories in North America. For more information, visit The Maids Home Services’ web site at The Maids Home Services.