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Tresa G. Varn Cleaning

Service Info

14618 Manor Way

Lynnwood, WA  98087 US


Zip/Postal Codes Serviced:

We offer a high quality cleaning service with 100% satisfaction from our current customers.


service continues below ↓

"In the kitchen" we clean on top and inside the range; take all the burners and knobs apart and clean them. We clean the window above the sink and the sliding glass door; inside and out of the microwave; the coffee pot and the outside of all other appliances. We clean the tops and sides and inside the bottom of refrigerators, including the water dispensers. We open the dish washer and wipe the sides and clean the front as well as the front of the oven. All counters are wiped, pulling everything out and cleaning behind items. Garbage is emptied, and we finish by washing all floors on our hands and knees.

"The bathrooms" are amazing when we are done. Toilets are cleaned inside and out everytime. Sinks and mirrors are cleaned and dried to a shine everytime. Soap scum is removed from the shower and bathtub and dried to a shine. Floors are done on our hands and knees.

"Laundryroom" washer and dryer tops and sides are wiped down; opening the lid and wiping the top inside. Sinks and counters are wiped, and floors are done on hands and knees.

"The bedrooms" are dusted including window sills. Beds are made; extra charge for changing sheets. All vacuuming is done in a pattern.

"All other rooms" are dusted and vacuumed removing all cobwebs and vacuumed in a pattern. All wood floors are cleaned with vinegar and water and are done on our hands and knees.There is a small extra charge for vacuuming furniture.

We are licensed and insured and guarantee the quality of our work.




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