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Maid Brigade

Service Info

2949 Jolly Road

Okemos, MI  48864 US


General: Vacuum all floors, family room furniture. Wash sliding glass door, remove cobwebs, make beds, tidy rooms. Dust furniture, window sills, baseboards, most light fixtures, lightly dust blinds. Empty trash.
Deodorize rooms.
Kitchen: Clean countertops, outside refrigerator & dishwasher and small
appliances. Clean inside and outside of microwave. Clean stove top and drip pans. Spot clean cabinets. Wipe off table and chairs. Sweep and mop floor.
Bathroom: Clean and sanitize shower/tub enclosure, inside and outside of toilet.
Clean mirrors, chrome, soap dishes. Sanitize countertops and sink. Spot clean cabinets. Fold towels.
For your convenience, Maid Brigade does supply cleaning solutions, cloths, mops and vacuum. We know that you will be pleased with the above detailed cleaning package, as well as, the customer service your will receive from our office staff!


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Please perform your own due diligence (e.g., ask for and check references) in selecting a service provider.