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Absorbents are materials that can take up other substances by chemical or molecular action. The most familiar use of an absorbent is when a liquid spill is absorbed by a paper or cloth towel. Oil, grease and other materials may be removed from even porous surfaces by absorbents.


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Common absorbents such as cat litter or cornstarch are readily available in the home. Kitty litter will remove oil stains from concrete if left overnight, and is also useful for removing vomit from carpeting. Cornstarch works well on light-colored fabrics. Brush or vacuum away absorbent material once it has done its job.

Other common absorbents such as sand, sawdust and even clean dirt can be used effectively in basements, garages and outdoors.


Absorbents:  Created on November 3rd, 2009.  Last Modified on December 25th, 2009


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