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Oil, skin and soap residue have a way of building up on brushes and combs. Fortunately, cleaning them is easy, whether the bristles are natural or synthetic.


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Remove all the hair that’s stuck in the brush by combing it out. Work from the base of the bristles outward, removing as much as you can. Fill a basin with enough soapy water to immerse the bristles completely. Wait about a half an hour, and rinse completely. You might as well soak the comb at the same time.

To sanitize brushes, soak them in a 10:1 water and chlorine bleach solution for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Most brush handles are plastic these days. A note of caution if yours is made of another material, such as sterling silver: When in doubt, suspend the handle over the water so that just the bristles are immersed.





Don Aslett in The Cleaning Encyclopedia: Your A to Z Illustrated Guide to Cleaning Like the Pros.


Hairbrush:  Created on November 3rd, 2009.  Last Modified on April 5th, 2010


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