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Speed Cleaning

By Jeff Campbell

Speed Cleaning by Jeff Campbell

Publisher Info

The Clean Team

206 N. Main Street

Jackson, CA  95642-2332 USA

(800) 717-2532

Do the weekly, or every-other-week, chores in half the time!


book continues below ↓

You've heard of speed reading? Get ready for Speed Cleaning! This bestselling, easy-to-read, good humored paperback is going to give you back your weekends. It teaches you step-by-step techniques to cut your housecleaning time in half — or your money back — not by working harder, just smarter.


It's a streamlined approach developed by experienced professionals who can't afford to waste time with extra cleaning steps. Separate chapters are devoted to how to hire and manage housecleaners, and which environmentally safe products work best. It also includes a complete summary of the book in Spanish.


Soft cover, 194 pages.

Speed Cleaning by Jeff Campbell:  Created on November 6th, 2004.  Last Modified on January 17th, 2023


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