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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cleaning

By Mary Findley

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cleaning by Mary Findley

Publisher Info

Alpha Books

800 East 96th Street

Indianapolis, IN  46240 USA


Need cleaning tips that work? Then reach for Mary Findley's "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cleaning."


book continues below ↓

Ever wonder how the pros clean? You will find the answers in an array of chapters covering every room of the house from the attic to the garage. 

Looking for the keys to stain removal? Mary's A-Z stain removal guide teaches you not only how to remove stains from eight different surfaces but also offers tips for blotting and handling large liquid spills in carpeting.

Mary's tricks for a cleaner load of laundry are here too.



The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cleaning by Mary Findley:  Created on January 2nd, 2006.  Last Modified on January 17th, 2023


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