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Leather Care Technician Manual

By Lonnie McDonald

Leather Care Technician Manual by Lonnie McDonald

Publisher Info


1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200

Bloomington, IN  47403 USA


The Leather Care Technician Manual, by Lonnie McDonald, is a detailed photographic guide to leather care. It covers how to clean different types of leather furniture, remove spots and stains, repair leather damage, and more. It also includes how to identify different types of leather and the proper care of each type. 288 pages.


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Lonnie McDonald is a Clean Trust Master Textile Cleaner, Clean Trust Master Restorer Smoke & Fire, Clean Trust Senior Practicing Carpet Inspector, Clean Trust S100 Committee member, Clean Trust Certified Firm & Registrant Committee Member, Clean Trust CCT & CCT Test Committee Member, Clean Trust Certification Council Member, Clean Trust Leather Task Force Chair, and an internationally recognized leather care instructor and author. He serves as an industry liaison to the American Home Furnishings Alliance (AHFA), on the Leather & Upholstery Care Committees. Founder, Past President and Current Executive Director of the Low Moisture Carpet Cleaners Association (LMCCA) and is Co-Founder of LMCCA. He is an American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) Industry Partner and has been quoted as a textile, leather and/or cleaning expert by many newspapers, magazines and Web sites.

Leather Care Technician Manual by Lonnie McDonald:  Created on February 17th, 2010.  Last Modified on November 4th, 2011


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