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The 10-Minute New Look

By Jo Eichelberger Smith

When you purchase a new stove, new refrigerator, new countertop, at least half of its "new" presentation is owing to the simple lack of dirt. There’s no dirt on the face, no dirt in the corners, no dirt wedged along any decorative trim. It’s new.


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So when you want that (like) new sparkle, you might guess a little detailed dirt removal will take you a long way toward your goal. And as long as a given surface has not suffered significant damage — you’d be right!

Here’s how to indulge your everything-must-be-perfect-for-company side in just 10 minutes a day. For best results, start several days before you expect your guests:
The Timer
This will be your primary motivational tool. Find one on the microwave, on the back of the stove, on your watch. Or if necessary, just keep any old clock in view. Work your heart out for 10 minutes. But when it’s up … stop! (Until next time.)
The Toothbrush
Teamed up with a little water and perhaps a drop of dish-washing liquid, this is a fabulous utensil for erasing dirt from the smallest of crevices, horizontal ledges and joints of hard surfaces. Chase with a damp cloth.



Kitchen & Bath:


  • Rim where counter meets sink
  • Around the base of the faucets
  • Any grooves on the faucet knobs or levers
  • Joint where handle meets oven door, refrigerator door, microwave door
  • Ledge at any oven window
  • Crevice between counter and stovetop or between counter and wall
  • Inner lip of the dishwasher door

Light Switches and Sockets:

We recommend turning off the main household electricity and doing this task by daylight. Even so, do not overly wet these areas.


  • The often dirt-filled grooves that spell “ON” and “OFF”
  • Horizontal ledges above and below switches and sockets
  • Screws attaching plates to walls



  • Right angles where hard floor meets baseboards — all the way around the perimeter of a room
  • Door thresholds
  • Borders separating hard floor from carpet
The Vacuum

You knew the attachments were there for a reason! Most vacuum cleaners are made for a quality detail job on your home.




  • Atop upholstered seat backs and arms
  • Along cording and creases of upholstered furniture
  • Baseboard ledges
  • Carpet and floor edges
  • Under, behind or around furniture bases

Warning: Removing detail dirt can lift your spirits so much you may not want to stop at 10 minutes. If this should happen to you, simply set the timer again and keep right on working!

The 10-Minute New Look:  Created on December 13th, 2005.  Last Modified on January 21st, 2014