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Absolutely Fabulous

Service Info

7535 Geddes Rd.

Saginaw, MI  48609 US


Zip/Postal Codes Serviced:

Absolutely Fabulous, Residential Cleaning Service


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Take a Breath!


Would it be nice to come home from work and have a clean house? We have just what you need. We will come to your home once or twice a week and do your general housekeeping. We will scour your bathrooms, mop floors, do dishes, vacuum carpets and tidy up. You get to come home to a clean house or apartment and relax and spend time with your family.


Our house cleaning rates are based on the size of your home and the frequency of cleaning, not by the hour. This is an advantage to you because we do not have a time limit on your cleaning. We are in your home until it is thoroughly cleaned, leaving your home absolutely fabulous.


Call for a free quote!


Your time is worth the call!


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Please perform your own due diligence (e.g., ask for and check references) in selecting a service provider.