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Gary's Cleaning Service

Service Info

732 Greensferry Rd.

Jackson, MO  63755 US

573-243-5446 or 579-1445

We clean your home from ceiling to floor in the first few cleanings. We will then maintain your home at this same level of cleanliness. Using our service is like having your home continously spring cleaned.


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We will assign a team of three to clean your home. If for some reason one or more of your assigned team cannot service your house on the scheduled day, at least one of the team will be familiar with your home and your preferences. For the first few cleanings, one of the owners of the service will be present and working alongside the team.

We do windows! We will clean all inside windows that can be reached from the floor or from a stepladder. We will clean outside windows that tip in, or can be reached from ground level (On windows that are covered with screens, the screens must be removed prior to our visit).

We will routinely clean and sanitize all bathrooms and kitchen areas. We dust and clean all living areas and bedrooms. We sweep, mop and vacuum each time we clean. We will clean your front door glass each time we clean. We don't cut corners, we clean them.

We are insured and bonded. We are registered with the state and federal government as a legitimate cleaning service. You don't have to worry about IRS regulations.

We provide all cleaning supplies and equipment with the exception of specialty products for use on unusual surfaces. We know how to care for wood floors, fiberglass or porcelain fixtures. If you have stainless steel appliances they will shine.

Sandra and Gary Fann owners


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Please perform your own due diligence (e.g., ask for and check references) in selecting a service provider.