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Li'l Cindy's Cleaning Service

Service Info

131 Florence St. #4

Winston-Salem, NC  27127 US


Zip/Postal Codes Serviced:

New service starts with an initial deep cleaning. After that, routine cleanings include:


service continues below ↓

Kitchens: wipe counters, appliances, cabinet fronts and sweep and mop floors

Bathrooms: wipe counters, scrub sinks, showers/tubs, toilets, dust light fixtures and sweep and mop floors

Bedrooms and living areas: dust all furniture, light fixtures, ceiling fans,vacuum floors

Other services provided routinely: dust and clean baseboards, door and window moldings, window sills, inside windows cleaned, storm/sliding doors cleaned, change bed linens.

Will clean inside refrigerators and ovens for added fee.

Anything you don't see just ask.

Willing to accommodate any schedule or budget.


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The Housekeeping Channel does not endorse, warrant or guarantee any product or service offered.
Please perform your own due diligence (e.g., ask for and check references) in selecting a service provider.