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The Cleaning Bug

Service Info

2562 Chelsea Dr., #101

Woodridge, IL  60517 US


As a small, independently owned and operated cleaning service, we can offer a level of service that many large franchises just can't touch. The owner is actively involved within the company, making sure each of our clients receive the red carpet treatment.


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We are the cleaners who don't expect you to clean up for us before we arrive! That is why you hire a maid service. Let us do the work! Also, if you have been turned away by other agencies, give us a call! Everyone deserves a clean home and the help to get there! We use 'green' cleaning products whenever possible, which is a great option for those easily irritated by heavy chemical smells or for those suffering from allergies or sensitivities. It's also a great option for anyone who wants a true clean without toxic chemicals in their home or environment! 


Check out our website for more information and to schedule your red carpet home maid service! 


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Please perform your own due diligence (e.g., ask for and check references) in selecting a service provider.