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Lamb's-wool duster


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The lamb’s-wool duster can be an inexpensive alternative to disposable dusting products. Typically an oblong puff of natural wool fibers or nylon mounted on a long handle, this tool of the professional’s trade can be vacuumed or shaken free of dust outdoors. It can also be washed by hand when dirty, and then used again after it’s dry. The handle allows the user to reach high without straining and low without bending.


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The uneven surface of this duster makes it ideal for getting into intricate spaces and for capturing dust, rather than sending it flying onto other surfaces nearby. These tools are good for use on just about every smooth surface, no matter how intricate the pattern. However, resort to a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to dust any surface such as rough-hewn wood. Rough surfaces have a tendency to snag fibers from this duster and most other cleaning cloths, making the object look hairy after any dusting attempt.

Use a smooth wiping action when dusting with lamb’s wool or any other dusting tool. Flicking actions will only send out clouds of dust.







Don Aslett in The Cleaning Encyclopedia: Your A to Z Illustrated Guide to Cleaning Like the Pros.


Lamb's-wool duster:  Created on November 3rd, 2009.  Last Modified on November 3rd, 2009


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