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Kitchen Remodeling For Dummies

By Donald R. Prestly

Kitchen Remodeling For Dummies by Donald R. Prestly

Publisher Info

Wiley Publishing, Inc.

111 River Street

Hoboken, NJ  07030 USA


Real estate, building and remodeling surveys reveal that the one project likely to give you a 100 percent return on the dollars invested is a kitchen remodel. And whether the project is as involved as gutting the room back to the wall studs or as simple as applying a fresh coat of paint, each project is an investment in your home’s value and, ultimately, in your enjoyment of using the space.


book continues below ↓

Remodeling a kitchen is a big job, but it’s not so big that anyone — with the right guidance and understanding — couldn’t feel comfortable tackling at least some parts of the job. Kitchen Remodeling For Dummies is the reference tool to use if you:


  • Want to use the kitchen more efficiently
  • Want to replace outdated, energy-gobbling appliances and gadgets
  • Have attempted at least one or two home repair projects
  • Are comfortable using both power and hand tools and probably own a few of each
  • Want to know how a project should be done and then hire someone to do it.

The kitchen in today’s home has become a focal point for the family, as well as for entertaining. For those reasons, you want the room to be as functional as possible, without breaking your bankbook. With Kitchen Remodeling For Dummies in hand, you'll get the lowdown on the following topics and more:


  • The kitchen remodeling process (knowing this makes you a smarter consumer)
  • Critical design issues
  • Working with the pros: architect, designer, contractor
  • Establishing a budget and sticking with it
  • Evaluating your plumbing, electrical and ventilation systems
  • Selecting and installing cabinets and countertops
  • Choosing sinks, faucets and appliances
  • Working on walls, windows and floors
  • Hot trends and easy upgrades

This handy guide shows you how to take your kitchen (no matter what shape it’s in now) and remodel it so that it not only fits your wants and needs but also becomes a room you can be proud to use and show off.



Kitchen Remodeling For Dummies by Donald R. Prestly:  Created on November 11th, 2005.  Last Modified on November 11th, 2005


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