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Pretty Neat - The Buttoned-Up Way to Get Organized and Let Go of Perfection

By Alicia Rockmore & Sarah Welch

Pretty Neat  - The Buttoned-Up Way to Get Organized and Let Go of Perfection by Alicia Rockmore & Sarah Welch

Publisher Info

Seal Press

1700 Fourth Street

Berkeley, CA  94710 USA


Pretty Neat is a handbook that insists women need to stop holding themselves to impossibly high standards, and focus instead on defining their own, realistic, organizational goals.


book continues below ↓


Pretty Neat embraces the chaotic reality that often lies beneath organization's glossy veneer, offering pithy anecdotes and candid advice from experts and real women alike on tackling organizational inertia.


Funny, irreverent, entertaining, and helpful, the book covers all facets of clutter-control, from tried-and-true tips for conquering to-do lists and wrangling family schedules to ideas on excavating inboxes, eliminating excuses, and delegating housework.


Full of engaging examples from everyday women, Pretty Neat offers readers unorthodox, surprisingly simple methods to reduce "perfectionist" stress, and insists that perfection is impossible—and unnecessary—in this messy, unpredictable world called real life.


Pretty Neat - The Buttoned-Up Way to Get Organized and Let Go of Perfection by Alicia Rockmore and Sarah Welch, published by Seal Press, © Copyright January 2011.

Pretty Neat - The Buttoned-Up Way to Get Organized and Let Go of Perfection by Alicia Rockmore & Sarah Welch:  Created on November 3rd, 2010.  Last Modified on March 24th, 2011


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