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Basic Housekeeping - Put the Clinch on Clutter

By HC Staff

We move into a home and naturally we want to fill it with our stuff. Soon, we’re sharing our residence with seemingly irrepressible clutter. As the years go by, shelves, drawers and closets fill with much more than they were designed to hold. No need to call the clutter police — we’ll help you take control again.


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You’re attached and it’s difficult to get rid of your things. Of course you want to retain treasures that have sentimental value, but you probably also possess useless items that really should be discarded or donated: 

  • Boxes that held stereos, computers, telephones or hairdryers should go after you’re sure the items work properly (do save warranties, however.)
  • Kiwanis International recycles used eyeglasses and would love to have yours.
  • Clothing is the worst clutter offender: if you haven’t worn it in a year or two, donate it. Or if it’s in poor condition, throw it away or make cleaning rags.
Maintaining Order
  • Check your local office supply store for decorative filing cabinets. Then, just like a good administrative assistant, buy file folders and label them for your important papers.
  • Sort mail when it arrives.
  • If working at home, maintain a separate area for work versus household items.

  • Clutter control needs to happen on the spot instead of tomorrow. Is your tennis racket in the car, as well as the bag that held your lunch burrito? Out with it, once you’re done.
  • It makes sense to fold laundry when you take it out of the dryer, to avoid wrinkles and an unsightly stack of clothing.
  • Similarly, after supper, clean those plates and silverware so food doesn’t harden. Bonus: you don’t have to view the mess the next morning.

Read more on clutter control.


Basic Housekeeping - Put the Clinch on Clutter:  Created on December 13th, 2005.  Last Modified on January 21st, 2014