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Save Space, Time and Energy with Hooks

Everyone has the same problem at home: finding the keys. You wouldn’t have to search, though, if you had a key hook. Yes, the lack of this object is responsible for untold amounts of preventable frustration.


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Installing hooks close to the door means you’ll have an instant place to deposit your keys, you’ll always know where they are and you’ll save yourself the aneurism of trying to find them when you’re ready to leave again.
Towel bars drive me crazy because they insist that you fold the towels in order to hang them. Who has time for that? Besides, most of us are towel-bar-deficient and have to share. You know what that means: towels bunched up on a bar always feel damp.


If you have a large family, you can install a board where the towel bar used to be and put as many hooks on it as you want. If you have three kids using the bathroom, you can even label each hook so no one has to share cooties.

The toilet area can also use a hook. If you ever replace the toilet tissue holder, buy the hook variety instead. It will save you the aggravation of having to push that little tube together to get the toilet paper back on the holder, which is a big help if you have arthritis or limited hand use.
In the kitchen, hooks can be placed inside cabinet doors to hang long cooking utensils like that mambo grill spatula, or hot pads or dishtowels. Quit stacking coffee cups. Hang them instead, and you’ll find you can fit more on your shelves.
Try installing hooks in the closet for nightgowns and robes so you don’t have to bother hanging them up or putting them in a drawer. In kids’ closets, hooks mean the chances are greater they’ll put their clothes there instead of on the floor. Hooks can also hang belts and clothes, and small hooks are great for jewelry.

Putting up hooks is one of those household projects that help you get your sanity back. You’ll be rewarded ten-fold for your efforts.

Save Space, Time and Energy with Hooks:  Created on March 31st, 2005.  Last Modified on January 21st, 2014


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About Kathryn Weber

Kathryn WeberKathryn Weber is publisher of the "Red Lotus Letter" feng shui e-zine, a bi-monthly newsletter with tips and information to improve your health, wealth and well-being by improving the feng shui of your home, office or business. To subscribe, logon at